
The following are some commonly asked questions that may help you decide if coaching is for you.


What is coaching and How is it different?

Kay is trained in Co-Active® Coaching from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI). The CTI® coaching philosophy holds that people are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. We are completely capable of finding our own answers to whatever challenges we face. You know yourself and your life better than anyone! The job of a coach is to ask powerful questions, listen, and empower you to bring out the skills and creativity you already possess, rather than instruct or advise.

Through coaching, the solutions that come up are your own and will be more meaningful to you. Kay's goal as a coach is to help grow you as a person so that whatever challenges you face become manageable. 

Coaching is different from therapy in that the coach does not diagnose you. The primary focus for therapy is healing. The primary focus for coaching is growing you as a whole person. Healing is often a side effect.

TL;DR* – In coaching, we believe you are naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. Our partnership will focus on you and your goals.

*TL;DR is a summary for those who seek the condensed version.


Do I need a coach?

Kay is a firm believer that you are capable of getting to wherever you want to be on your own AND it's a lot easier and faster when someone else is by your side. Two brains are better than one! This is a key benefit of having a coach. The coach will bring a different perspective, effective tools, and past experiences into the mix. This often results in solutions that are better than what you would come up with alone. Also, it's really helpful to have someone be a believer in your best self and who keeps you accountable.

TL;DR – It depends on what you want. Having a coach makes your personal development faster and easier. 


How much of a time commitment is this?

Coaching is flexible. We can mold the relationship based on what works best for you. That being said, Kay has some recommendations for new coachees.

Kay's coaching sessions are typically 45 minutes per session, 3 times a month. She recommends a 3-month coaching relationship minimum in order for you to grow and change the way you think. Change takes time.

At the same time, Kay prioritizes your needs over this 3-month commitment. Bottom-line, be vocal about what your needs are and we can formulate an agreement that works for both of us.

TL;DR – Let's start with three 45-minute sessions a month. If this doesn't work for you, then we can talk about it and mold the sessions to better fit your needs.


What are the sessions like? What is the coaching relationship like?

Kay's coaching sessions are done over the phone and usually last 45 minutes. She is also open to using video calls and in-person sessions which will entail additional fees. For a typical session, the coachee brings a topic to the call. We will explore this topic for the majority of the call. Kay will ask powerful questions and point out what she is hearing in order to expand the way the coachee is seeing the situation.  At the end of the call, we will come up with an action step to apply the learning from the session to your daily life. 

Here is what Kay's typical coaching relationship looks like: 

Sample Session – This session is the free introductory session where we figure out what you are looking for with coaching. You can experience what Kay's style of coaching is like and determine whether this is for you. 

Discovery Session – Once we both agree that we want to work with each other, the next session is a session dedicated to getting to know each other. We will work on finding what is important to you, what your values are, and really get clear on what you are looking for with coaching. This is also your time to mold the coaching relationship so that Kay can be your most effective coach. It is also the time for Kay to get to know who you are. 

Coaching session – After we finish the Discovery Session(s), we get to dive in to the reason you are coming to coaching. For example, do you lack the motivation to get moving toward your dreams? The coach will ask you powerful questions and listen to what your heart is saying. Maybe you are wanting to feel more empowered so that you can really achieve your dreams, maybe you are wanting an accountability partner that helps you become more intentional. This is the time to deepen the learning about who you are as a person. At the end of the session, we will come up with action steps that will get you moving toward your goals. 

Completion – This session is the last session of our coaching relationship. This is where we reflect back on how far you have come and celebrate your journey!

TL;DR – Sessions are over the phone. Kay can do in-person and video calls for an additional fee. We will have a sample session, discovery session(s), normal coaching sessions, and conclude with a completion session. 


What's the pricing structure?

Pricing is dependent on whether it is for an individual or an organization. We will agree upon the rate together. The rate should be a rate that is enough for you to take this seriously, but not be a financial burden.  Please contact Kay using the “Contact” button above to get the current pricing.